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Become a BlancOne centre

BlancOne® CLICK
The fastest whitening treatment in the world
BlancOne® TOUCH
Intensive whitening treatment, fast and comfortable
BlancOne® HOME+
The fast and gentle home whitening treatment
Beauty and care RITUALS for your smile
BlancOne® ULTRA+
Beyond the borders of in office whitening treatments
BlancOne® ULTRA
For medical treatments

BlancOne® CLICK

The fastest whitening treatment in the world

  • Only 10 minutes and a reasonable price
    high value perceived by patients
  • Gain your patients’ loyalty and draw new ones to your office
  • It encourages the use of intensive whitening treatments such as BlancOne® TOUCH and HOME

A whiter smile in only 10 minutes without sensitivity and immediately visible results from 3 to 5 shades of improvement is possible today thanks to BlancOne® CLICK and at a price truly affordable for all!
Choose BlancOne® CLICK and you’ll be able to fully satisfy your patients’ needs.

BlancOne® CLICK is:

EASY TO APPLY: without gingival barriers thanks to the low percentage of peroxide and short contact times..
FAST: a ten minutes cycle with photo activation is sufficient even after the oral hygiene session.
EFFECTIVE: the results are immediately visible.
DELICATE: it can be applied both in case of slight bleeding and exposed tooth necks.

BlancOne® CLICK, draws your patients towards tooth whitening and prepares them for more complete treatments. Thanks to its characteristics, BlancOne® CLICK can be easily offered to all patients, especially at the end of the oral hygiene session.
Once witnessed the results and comfort of the treatment, it will be easy to recommend a more intensive one, in office or at home, to increase and prolong the effectiveness of the fast treatment.

Three patients over five who tried BlancOne CLICK immediately booked another session.

Thanks to its easy application, in fact, to the affordable price and visible improvements in the shades of white, BlancOne® CLICK always wins your patients over.

Try it directly in your office


Fast and affordable to be combined to each hygiene session. The patients’ satisfaction is often an access gate to the intensive treatments TOUCH and HOME.

Type of treatment: Fast, in-office
Active ingredient: 16% Carbamide peroxide – HP 5,6% Hydrogen peroxide
Protocol: 1 cycle of 10 minutes with photo activation*
Typical effectiveness: 4/5 shades
Recommended frequency: 4/6 times per year

Compare the BlancOne treatments

Each individual CLICK treatment contains:
Peroxide syringe (0,75ml), Activator syringe (0,25ml), connector, tip, QR code for the registration with the BlancOne App

013000 - BlancOne® CLICK
10 fast treatments box

*photo activation with whitening lamp BlancOne® Arcus

Try it directly in your office