A more professional approach for the office
A better communication with your patients
Added value
More information for an effective management
Only for BlancOne authorised centres
- In a simple and fast way, thanks to the BlancOne PRO app, you will be able to record all patients who will trust your office to restore the white of their smile, recording also those habits which can have a negative effect on it (smoke and regular intake of coffee/tea).
- Through the demonstration area and according to the kind of treatment chosen, you will be able to show your patients, in a fast and appealing way, how much the shade of white of their smile can be improved.
- The BlancOne PRO app will record each whitening treatment performed to your patients. By recording the shade of white and taking pictures of their smile, before and after the treatment, you will be able to show them immediately the result of the treatment performed.
- At the end of the treatment you will be able to combine the maintenance programme Xtra, and, by comparing information on the treatment with the patient’s habits, the app will suggest when the next check-up visit should be performed. The BlancOne PRO app will invite your patients for their next check-up visit at your Centre, by sending an email automatically.
- Patients will have a personal online dedicated area, where they will be able to access information and photographs of the treatments, express an opinion and leave a comment. This way, BlancOne patients will be able to trace the graphic and photographic history of their shade of white.
By directly witnessing the results obtained, your patients will be even happier and motivated to schedule periodical “white check-ups” for their smile (to be combined to the dental hygiene sessions) with regular treatments and maintenance products, becoming thus part of a maintenance programme for the beauty and health of their smile.

Your centre gains value thanks to each BlancOne® treatment!
Every time you will perform a BlancOne® treatment, scanning with the App the code found in each Kit:
- You will earn Fan Shop Points to receive free promotional materials for your office
- Your office will gain more visibility on the public website blancone.eu
- You will obtain your patients’ loyalty increasing the number of treatments
But the BlancOne PRO app is even more…
Thanks to data collected in thousands of different cases, BlancOne has created a permanent observatory which can:
- Evaluate effectiveness of treatments
- Collect patients’ feedback
- Trace their demographic profile
Using the App is really easy!
BlancOne awards the most active centres
Those Centres recording with the app the treatments performed, will be able to take part to exclusive promotions. This way you will be able to attain further qualifications and become a SILVER, GOLD or ELITE Centre, obtaining several benefits and a growing visibility on web platforms and BlancOne socials.