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Become a BlancOne centre

Become a BlancOne centre

BlancOne® CLICK
The fastest whitening treatment in the world
BlancOne® TOUCH
Intensive whitening treatment, fast and comfortable
BlancOne® HOME+
The fast and gentle home whitening treatment
Beauty and care RITUALS for your smile
BlancOne® ULTRA+
Beyond the borders of in office whitening treatments
BlancOne® ULTRA
For medical treatments


Beauty and care RITUALS for your smile

  • Prolonging the results of the professional whitening treatment
  • Removing plaque and superficial stains
  • Taking care of the health and beauty of your smile thanks to small daily actions

The BlancOne® RITUALS set includes products dedicated to the beauty and care of your smile.

BlancOne® RITUALS is the perfect complement to the professional whitening treatment for a longer lasting result.

These are simple and fast daily rituals to be performed in the morning and at night.

Offer the BlancOne® RITUALS set in the SMILE BOX!

Give another reason to smile thanks to BlancOne® Rituals.